Create Miracles

In business & life

Achieve your Ultimate Goals, light & easy

Create even more Happiness & Miracles:

Realize your Greatest Goals; For you, your family and worldwide wishes;

Feel Happy as you are, even when challenges occur in life and business;

Grow Huge in your Business and Life to achieve what you wish. Light & Easy;

Live your (WorldWide & Family) Dreams, happy above all.

Let’s create even more Miracles and Happiness in Business & Life. Realizing a Happier World together. That’s what I love to do. 

* Esther


Esther provided snow on my mother’s birthday (she has been in the sky for 2 years now).

The biggest breakthroughs in my life on all levels possible took place during these days in Sweden. I see more clearly, I am lighter, happier, an even better mother for my son and I work with the nicest clients who suit me completely.

The numbers in my business are insane. I am a happy business woman on top of the world.

dr. Karianne Kalshoven, Leadership Business Advisor

“One conversation with Esther made me believe it was possible to start my own business. I said it out loud and started doing it, with very satisfied customers as a result.

Currently I help companies and entrepreneurs to turn their office or showroom into a beautiful place, with an exciting touch.”

Annouk de Rijk, two-time Olympian (ice skating) & Owner of Annouk In Style  

Esther helps me fuel my Big Dreams, so that I keep going to the next levels, never settle for less and keep feeling: the Sky is the limit. As a result, I am now on my way to an international multi-million company.

Sandra Poelman, Director of Glowingplaces & Creator of Award Winning Places

“Open Up & Follow the Purpose for your Life”

Like Roos did in ’21, who tells more about her Experience of our Business Coaching (see video below)

Just simplify & Live your dreams

Working Together

Exclusive 1-on-1 Coaching

Achieve your Ultimate Goals in Life & Business. Even Happier, Lighter full of Fire. Realize the Worldwide Change you wish to see. Live your Greatest (Family) Dreams.
Light, Happy.

Create Miracles Doing. For you, money, life, business, your family & the World. Simply by following aligned actions. I’d love to let you Discover this. Happy Together.

Exclusive 1-on-1 Coaching (in Dutch & English) is there for the Ones who are Happy in Business and Life, Highly Driven, & have a Worldwide Wish to Achieve. Even Lighter, full of Miracles.

Full Happiness & Miracles

In Business & Life (Video Series)

Create even more Happiness & Miracles in business and life. Easy, light.

Discover what you can do easy to overcome thoughts, feelings & more. To be even happier, realize your goals easier & enhance miracles in everyday life and business.

From money, happy being you to doing what you truly love. While life can give you things not happy making too.

Let’s Realize even more Happiness & Miracles  Together.

Explore more about this Happy Making Video Series full Miracles:

Special Opportunity

The Swedish Business Experience

Experience a time to always remember in Sweden. Where we achieve GIGA results in short period of time, like: set up your Innovative Business Concept, development of the basis of your online program, discovery of New Business Models. 
Together with a focus on realization of your Greatest withes. For you, your family and the World.
The Swedish Business Experience can give new customers immediately and large money flows. Including personal growth of you & your family (they can travel with you if that is your wish).
Let yourself be Surprised by the amazing results that can come to you in Sweden.

More information follows soon at my website. Can’t wait to Explore more? Book a Happy Business Call with Esther:

“We zijn nu 2,5 week aan de slag en ik heb nu al de allergróotste transformatie van mijn leven doorgemaakt. Dit is het beste persoonlijk en business vlak samen wat mij is overkomen.”

Uit de handgeschreven brief “Recentie voor nieuwe klanten” van Award-Winning Kunstenares Roos Tulen over onze Platina Business Coaching.

De Zweedse natuur en Esther hebben mij tijdens The Swedish Business Experience laten zien dat het allemaal al in mij zit.

Ik hoef het alleen maar te omarmen en de signalen te volgen.

Als kers op de taart werd ik door 2 nieuwe klanten gebeld op mijn laatste dag bij Esther, waaruit een droom opdracht is gekomen die nu ook weer voor een jaar verlengd is.

Merel van Rijn – van Vliet, Eigenaresse Blackbird HR

On my darkest days, she has shown me the Light and followed me back home- to my heart. She has shown me that everything that I need, is right inside of me.

Her video series carry a power and gentleness that overwhelms my heart each time I watch them. Her words have touched my heart and calmed my mind, more times that I can count. Thank you for making things my mind has made so complicated, so easy. With You, it is Always Easy and Happy making. I am forever grateful for the work you do”

Natasja Wandel

Happy Making

I naturally ended up in the Spotlight with everything I did. From music, sports to study/school and Business. From my Wish to contribute to Happiness. The Stage was given to me, to make my voice heard. I will help you with that too. So that together we can create a Happier World. From your talent & Greatest Wishes. Full Happiness and Miracles.

Esther has already contributed to Happiness in life & business for these Media, among others:

In The Spotlight


Sandra Poelman

The Magic van Esther is dat ze enthousiast is, altijd het positieve ziet, the Brainstorm Queen is en bijzondere ingevingen krijgt.”

Sind de samenwerking met Esther ben ik nieuwe grote stappen aangegaan & breek ik met raketkracht door mijn eigen barrières heen. De ontwikkeling van mijn gezondheid en bedrijf gaan hand in hand en ik voel me powerful, energiek, open & positief.

Ik had nooit gedacht dat ik van binnenuit zo zou kunnen stralen en zoveel kracht zou voelen voor wat ik de wereld in te zetten heb.

Zo had ik met mijn bedrijf Glowingplaces vanaf dag 1 gelijk succes als stadmaker gespecialiseerd in herontwikkeling en revitalisatie van grote binnenstedelijke transformatiegebieden, schreef ik een boek in 6 maanden tijd met inmiddels +1000 verkopen, lanceerde een podcast in 6 weken (corona-)tijd & ben ik op weg naar een internationaal miljoenenbedrijf.

Esther helpt me mijn grootse dromen te voeden zodat ik steeds next levels ga, never settle for less & voel: The Sky is the Limit.”


Merel van Rijn - van Vliet

Vanaf het moment dat ik Esther ontmoette wist ik meteen, wij gaan samenwerken. Sinds onze samenwerking heb ik de investering, easy, meer dan terug verdiend. Ik heb niet alleen meer winst behaald maar ben ook vanuit intuïtie en met kennis van zaken mijn klanten op vernieuwende wijze gaan ontzorgen bij complexe HR uitdagingen. Dat wat ik het liefste doe. Met waanzinnige resultaten. Esther mij heeft laten zien dat ik mijn grootste dromen kan laten uitkomen! Zij helpt mij op haar eigen magische manier om te ondernemen vanuit mijn hart. Samenwerken met Esther voelt alsof je een persoonlijke cheerleader hebt, dat gun ik iedere ondernemer!


Emily Mattaka

Thuiskomen, begrepen worden, rust ervaren en groots durven dromen. Esther is een schitterende ster die aanstekelijk werkt. Wanneer zij haar licht op je schijnt dan voel je jezelf grootser en nog krachtiger groeien in wat jouw te doen staat in de wereld. Het is haar magie dat aansluit op jouw magie, waardoor je beiden nog meer impact hebt. Niet alleen zichtbaar online, maar ook energetisch en voelbaar from the inside out. Dit besef is meer waard dan welke investering dan ook. Dank je lieve Es. 

Myra Fictoor - de Groot

Myra de Groot Entertainment producties met een Missie verbindt, brengt mensen in bewegen en geeft positieve energie. Toen de pandemie alle uitvoerende werkzaamheden stillegde startten we al snel een nieuw merk: de TEElijn van Tante TEE. Mijn man had dit idee al jaren geleden en nu was er de tijd voor. Wij kijken samen altijd naar wat er wel kan. Ik belde Esther uiteindelijk omdat ik wist dat ik haar als businesscoach nodig had om samen te herhalen wie ik ben, waar mijn kracht & talent ligt en waar ik voor sta.

Ze heeft me weer bewust gemaakt dat ik kan manifesteren. Dat ik geld kan maken om te investeren en nog meer grote dromen te realiseren. Belevenissen en producten te creëren die mensen raken.

Nu wonen en werken we op onze droomplek. Rust en ruimte, natuur en alle bedrijven onder één dak. In gezondheid en liefde samen creëren. Ik ben er weer.

Karianne Kalshoven

Working with Esther is like coming home. My life and business changed at all levels and layers.
I love the high performance, high energy, high happiness, high caring, high speed of Esther, therefore in each session we have breakthroughs.
Things I knew from when I was a child, it is all realised. Better than in my most beautiful dreams.
There are no words to describe what we realised together. It is a deep feeling of happiness and gratitude. It is a whole new world.
Happy, light and easy in every minute of my life. More magic and miracles every day. My talents, such as seeing through layers and time are grown and I use them more efficient. Esther gives me tools for life. Nothing standard, tools that fit me and my mission in this world.
Together we build an international business that I enjoy and is fulfilling. With time for me, my family and nature.
And there is even more. I am committed to keep working with her for the coming years. It is written in the stars!

Natasja Wandel

‘On my darkest days, she has shown me the Light and followed me back home- to my heart. She has shown me that everything that I need, is right inside of me.

Her video series carry a power and gentleness that overwhelms my heart each time I watch them. Her words have touched my heart and calmed my mind, more times that I can count. Thank you for making things my mind has made so complicated, so easy. With You, it is Always Easy and Happy making. I am forever grateful for the work you do.

Working with her 1-on-1 and in group sessions has changed my life for the better. She has given me the tools, love and kindness I did not know I needed. Her straight forwardness, all-around experience and knowledge is sometimes overwhelming but oh my am I grateful for it. She has left a blueprint in my life, which I proudly carry with me for the rest of my life. Her soul touched mine with her way of coaching and I am forever changed for the better because of her and the person she chooses to be. Every. Single day.

She is the Sunlight on rainy days.
The hope that never fades.
The star that Shines the brightest.

It’s Written in the Stars

Simply Go